Sunday, August 27, 2017

Quick Sunday Post

95 miles on Old Blue.....

Stockholm for Peaches & Cream ....voted Best Pie Shop in Wisconsin....among the Top 50 in the country!! Hadn't been there since Mike and Speedy joined Peg and I.

Helpful information.....

 I'll put a copy of this in OUR kitchen....

Remember now....the peaches and cream was NOT ala mode...

Speaking of our kitchen.....some very busy times.   I've been picking, the easy part, Peg's been processing.

For the not look!!  I'm calling this Brain Drain...(apple pulp in cheese cloth for translucent jelly)

P.S. - Congratulations Katlyn on your 1st place finish at the horse show!!


  1. Peach pie, it doesn’t get much better than that.

    After cooking down the apples and squeezing out the juice, what does this make?


    (For some reason Google isn’t doing authentication)

    1. Richard, happens to me every once in awhile. From the mostly clear liquid, jelly. With the apples, there's enough pectin that none has to be added.

  2. You find picking the easy part? You are a man after my own heart. I love food processing.

    1. Seemed pretty easy to me....she did a lot of slicing and dicing, cooking, sealing, etc. etc.

  3. Looks like you are a busy man. Again, you're killing me with the pie pictures. And peach too!

    1. For some reason (who can know why??) peach pie is not a favorite in our household so I have to wander to get some, though not my favorite, it's darn good. This was worth wandering for!
